Door between Bunnell and Duckering

February 18, 2018

University Relations

On the second floor where Bunnell and Duckering meet, there is a glass wall with two sets of doors. If you are heading into Duckering, the doors to the right can be alarming...literally. I can't figure out the timing, but these door at some point in the evening or maybe just on the weekends will start to "scream," i.e., let off the most horrific alarm, if you open them. What purpose does this serve? If you say security, that makes no sense b/c the other set of doors don't scream. A "bad individual" can just use the other set of doors to carry out some nefarious act. Also, can you please explain the alarm timing? My goal is to avoid "scream time" and prevent a headache. How about a warning sign? Something...