Class to cover controlling bird vetch

June 25, 2018

Marmian Grimes

Photo courtesy UAF Cooperative Extension Service. Bird vetch, such as this dense patch, is a common sight around Fairbanks.
Photo courtesy UAF Cooperative Extension Service. Bird vetch, such as this dense patch, is a common sight around Fairbanks.

Invasive plants instructor Gino Graziano will discuss how to eradicate bird vetch Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the University Park Building in Fairbanks.

The persistent invasive weed spreads rapidly and flourishes in a range of conditions. Graziano will talk about control techniques and the timing of pesticide application. He'll discuss mowing and whether pulling works. The class will include identification of similar species, including native plants that are not invasive.

The free class will meet in Room 158 at 1000 University Ave. Registration is requested by calling the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service at 907-474-1530 or emailing