Western Alaska science forum scheduled for April in Kotzebue

January 28, 2014


Scientists, educators and community leaders and members will gather in Kotzebue in April to discuss the impact of global warming on residents of arctic Alaska.

"Science of a cold place in a warming world" is the theme of the 7th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum , to be held April 23–25 at the Nullagvik Hotel Conference Room. The Chukchi Campus of the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Kotzebue will host the conference.

The  conference will review regional scientific efforts and traditional knowledge, providing an interdisciplinary look at resource management. The conference will include several workshops addressing topics relevant to life in northwest Alaska.

Organizers welcome submissions from all those working on research projects and data collection in Alaska.

For more information, contact Anshul Pandya, assistant professor of biosciences in Kotzebue, at aapandya@alaska.edu.

The registration deadline is April 1. To register, go to http://seagrant.uaf.edu/conferences/waisc/