Deadline for Chancellor's Cornerstone Award nominations Feb. 15

December 15, 2011

LJ Evans

Brian Rogers 2009 I would like to announce the open nomination period for the Chancellor's Cornerstone Award to recognize the contributions of our staff at UAF. The deadline for nominations is February 15.

Last year, Scarlett Hopkins, with the Center for Alaska Native Health Research in the Institute of Arctic Biology, was selected from nearly four dozen employees nominated by their colleagues and supervisors for their exemplary work.

I encourage all employees to help me to recognize those staff members who have shown outstanding commitment to UAF this year. The criteria and nomination form are online at

Staff and faculty who nominate others will be entered in a drawing to win an ice cream party for their department.

The cornerstone behind the award
Judge James Wickersham laid the cornerstone on July 4, 1915, as a symbol of what would become the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, and, later, the University of Alaska. It still sits in front of the Bunnell Building on the Fairbanks campus.

The nod to our past is important. As we find ourselves nearing the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone, there's one thing that's certain -- our employees are the foundation of our future. Therefore it's fitting that our outstanding staff be honored with the Chancellor's Cornerstone Award.