Budget Options Group to forward ideas, recommendations soon

February 5, 2014


Kari burrellKari Burrell, UAF Executive Officer

The Budget Options Group, appointed by Chancellor Rogers in December (memo pdf), is working to compile a list of FY15 budget option ideas and recommendations complete with budgetary impact analysis. The group has met a number of times, and we expect to forward recommendations to the UAF Planning and Budget Committee in mid-February.

The Budget Options Group’s recommendations are really the beginning of our budget planning process this year. There are still opportunities for the staff and faculty to get involved and give input as we look to be more strategic and streamline our business practices to meet our budget challenges.

If you have ideas or questions, please feel free to contact members of the group. Alternatively, individuals can continue to submit their ideas anonymously through the cost savings website, and groups are encouraged to brainstorm cost-savings ideas in individual units and submit them as well.

The Planning and Budget Committee, chaired by Provost Henrichs, will then prioritize a shortlist of quantifiable options/recommendations for the Chancellor’s Cabinet to review. The Executive Leadership Workshop group, which includes deans and directors, will be involved in the process as Cabinet assesses the priorities.

I'd like to thank the members of the Budget Options Group for their commitment to this process on a short timeline. They've thoughtfully considered the many ideas as well as the potential unintended consequences.

Please feel free to contact me at  907-474-7489 or  kburrell@alaska.edu  if you have specific questions about UAF's budget planning process this year.