Aurora Sensations film showing

August 27, 2012

University Relations

Aurora Sensations, a film created using time-lapse photography of Alaska auroras set to ambient music, will be featured as part of the First Friday event at Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center in downtown Fairbanks on Sept. 7, 2012. The showings will be continuous from 5 to 8 p.m. in the center theatre. Admission is free.

Poul Jensen, a doctoral candidate in space physics at the Geophysical Institute, created the film after capturing aurora photographs from a number of locales in the Interior. Aurora Sensations is a compilation of many of those images set to music in a 30-minute production.

In addition to Jensen's film, Colleen Hickman, a watercolor artist, will have her work on display at the center.

The Alaska Public Lands Information Center and the Fairbanks Convention & Visitors Bureau are sponsoring the event.

For more information, contact APLIC at 907-459-3730.