Arctic Innovation Competition finals scheduled Friday

October 19, 2011

Marmian Grimes

Tammy Tragis-McCook

The University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management will award $19,600 in cash prizes Friday, Oct. 21 after the final round of presentations in the 2011 Arctic Innovation Competition.

The competition, in its third year, drew 218 ideas from 163 competitors.  Entrants were asked to propose new, feasible and potentially profitable ideas for solving real-life problems and challenges.

The semifinal presentations begin in the UAF Wood Center Ballroom at 2 p.m. The top four competitors will be announced at the BP Award Ceremony between 5-7 p.m., followed by a reception.

A panel of judges will select 20 winners to receive cash prizes ranging from $100 to $10,000.

Semifinalists include mother-of-two Sabrina Yarsley; a UAF mechanical engineer, one of two competitors named Tom Johnson; and 1958 UAF alumnus Edward Ashby, 91, the oldest competitor so far. This year’s intriguing ideas include: heated trailer brakes, a bathtub assist device, a text message system for public transportation, an energy-saving exhaust vent cover and a temporary tattoo that help prevents sunburns.

"It is quite an honor to be in the top 20 of 218 ideas. I hope good things come out if it,” said Ashby. “The competition is the best way to get the help I need to let more people know about my bathtub assist device and get it on the market at an affordable price.”

The public is invited to attend; all attendees will be eligible to win an Alaska Airline ticket. More information is available online at

ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Ping Lan, professor, at 907-474-7688 or

