April 9: Proposals for People’s Endowment 2012

March 21, 2012

Marmian Grimes

UAF's People’s Endowment committee is accepting proposal submissions requests for funds. Proposals are due by April 9. Review the submission guidelines and the application form online (PDF).

Projects previously funded through the endowment include: Ice Art for the UAF Campus; Northwest Campus Greenhouse Project; Wood Center Art Project; Police Department’s 2006 Basic Crime Prevention Certification Seminar; and the Kuskokwim Campus for a professional laminator.

Projects not likely to receive funding include scholarships or pure research projects, for which there are other funding opportunities available. In general, grants will not fund projects that are part of normal university activities.

General questions about this grant and complete proposals should be sent to Jennifer Hoppough at jahoppough@alaska.edu.