Alaska climate webinar to discuss Bristol Bay salmon

September 14, 2012

University Relations

A webinar, Climate Change and Potential Impacts on Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Populations will take place Wednesday, Sept. 26 from 10 -11 a.m. AKDT


  • Rebecca Aicher, Science and Technology Policy Fellow for the American Association for the Advancement of Science hosted by U.S. EPA

  • Jason Todd and Joe Ebersole, Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA

The event is hosted by the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy.

Register now.


Scientific research has shown that climate change has already caused detectable changes to ecosystems throughout Alaska. As warming is predicted to continue, it is likely to lead to changes in marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems and impact salmon populations in Bristol Bay, Alaska. In order to better predict how salmon will respond to climate change in both freshwater and marine ecosystems, it is crucial to evaluate the current knowledge of how the salmon and ecosystem are responding and identify key gaps in knowledge. This webinar will describe a conceptual model that is used to synthesize results from over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles to describe current trends in salmon populations, responses to climate change, predicted responses to climate change, and research needs in Alaska.