50 academic advisors attending conference

April 23, 2013

Carla Browning

More than 50 UAF faculty and staff advisors will attend the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Region 8 conference from April 29 - May 1 in Anchorage. Thanks to the generous support from UAF's Office of the Provost and Vice Provost & Accreditation Liaison Officer, University of Alaska Student and Enrollment Services Office, and the Alaska Railroad Corporation, staff and faculty advisors who typically would not have the funding to attend the conference are able to go and beef up their academic advising knowledge and skills. UA President Patrick Gamble will be the keynote speaker. The conference theme is Building Communities that Lift Students to Success and the academic advisors will learn valuable information that will directly help students make progress towards their degree. This is the first time the regional conference has been held in Alaska.