Nanooks' hockey hosts Ladies Night Out


Nanooks’ hockey hosts Ladies Night Out

Submitted by Jamie Schanback
Phone: 907-474-6807


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Photo by Paul McCarthy
More than 150 Fairbanks women and girls turned out to join the Alaska Nanooks’ hockey program for the first annual Women’s Hockey 101 Symposium.

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More than 150 Fairbanks women and girls turned out to join the Alaska Nanooks’ hockey program for the first annual Women’s Hockey 101 Symposium Thursday night at the Carlson Center for a fun-filled and educational experience.

The participants of all ages were treated to dinner with the team and several on and off the ice breakout sessions designed to help educate female fans of all ages about the game of hockey. Topics spanned from rules and terminology explanations, demonstrations of on and off-ice hockey related skills, Q&A groups with coaches and players and hockey-experienced women and girls, as well as skills competitions and raffle drawings for prizes.

Alaska Nanooks’ head coach Doc DelCastillo also unveiled plans for the second annual Women’s Hockey 101 Symposium, to be held on October 2, 2008, prior to the start of the Nanooks’ 2008-09 campaign. Plans have tentatively been made for a "Think Pink" themed weekend to raise money for breast cancer research that would start with the symposium and carry into a Nanook exhibition game scheduled for the following evening. To lend aid the cause and keep with the theme, the Nanooks players would sport pink jerseys, which would be raffled off after the game, and the contest would be played on a pink sheet of ice.