Personnel Training

I know my IRB Protocol must be approved before I start my research, but is there anything else I need to do with respect to human subjects protections and the IRB?

Yes. All PIs and research team members listed on the IRB protocol application must complete formal training in human subjects protection. UAF's training program is available online (click the Training link in the Navigation bar for more information) so it is available at your convenience.

Why is education on human subject protections required? 

One of the questions every IRB asks during protocol review is whether the people engaged in research involving human participants are knowledgeable. In other words, do you know what you are doing? Formal education in the protection of human subjects is mandatory for all individuals engaged in Public Health Service funded research involving human subjects. Not all funding agencies specify that formal education and documentation is mandatory; however, many recognize that this leads to a much better and more comprehensive human protections program at universities. For example, the U.S. Department of Education does not specify mandatory education requirements but strongly encourages institutions to require it of their investigators. Regardless, demonstrated knowledge in the protection of human participants in research is a requirement of IRB approval for research protocols at UAF or conducted by UAF faculty, staff, and students.

Who has to complete a formal education program?

All Principal Investigators as well as those individuals listed on the IRB protocol application that will have any interaction with the research population and/or access to the identifiable human subject data.

Can I obtain Continuing Medical Education credit?

Yes. When you register for the IRB approved training program (CITI) you can request CME credits. The University of Miami Office of Continuing Medical Education will provide 6 Category 1 Continuing Medical Education credits for Physicians, Physician's Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Psychologists. Nurses may be eligible for credits and should call (305 243-6716) or e-mail the UM Continuing Education Office for details.

Can I use this training in my graduate or undergraduate courses?

Yes. You may have students in your classes enroll following the instruction on our Training page . Please provide the Office of Research Integrity with your name, the course name and number, and a list of students so we may forward the completion letters as they are reported to us.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

Please contact the Research Integrity Administrator.