Funding Agency Questions

Grants and Contracts is holding up my proposal because I do not have an IRB protocol number!  Why? 

All Institute Business Offices and/or Grant and Contract Services check to ensure that any proposal involving human subjects has been reviewed and approved by the UAF IRB. Your proposal will be held up if there is even a suggestion of human subject research and there is no indication of IRB approval. If you believe that your proposal does not require an IRB approval it is your responsibility to provide the necessary information to the Office of Research Integrity. This is easily accomplished by communicating with the Office of Research Integrity ( or 907-474-7800 discussing the matter.

The agency I am submitting a proposal to has requested a letter from the IRB. What do I do?

The UAF IRB provides "just-in-time" review for projects that are expected to be or have been funded; this is not usually as early as the proposal submission stage. The IRB issues approval letters in IRBNet when a protocol package has been submitted and reviewed,  The approval letter this is typically all the funding agency needs. If you need something more, contact the Office of Research Integrity ( or 907-474-7800.

Are there situations when my funding agency will be notified about problems with my IRB protocol? 

The only time this will happen is if the Director of Grant & Contract Services feels that progress on the award has been significantly affected. For example, a PI whose IRB protocol is suspended might miss the critical period of time when the proposed study could be done and therefore have to wait until the following year to complete the study. This would have to be reported to the funding agency. Another example is if the PI conducts an unapproved protocol.