Internship application for summer 2024 opening soon!
November 16, 2023
Looking for a summer opportunity to work with an Alaskan startup company? Do you want to gain valuable experience in the world of startups and innovation? If so, then the Students to Startups, or S2S, program is for you. Our summer, May–August, internship program pairs University of Alaska students with a startup company. Students grow and develop their skills in an area of interest. Past opportunities for students included positions focused on business development, engineering, computer science, logistics, marketing and more. This year, Center ICE has recruited companies with even greater project diversity; the opportunities will be viewable on the S2S website beginning Friday, Dec. 1.
For example, the startup company Kartorium, which is returning as a S2S host next summer, has a state-of-the-art digital twin technology that enables quick creation of three-dimensional representations of facilities and infrastructure, overlaid with additional pertinent data.
In the past, Kartorium provided excellent opportunities for students interested in further developing their computer science skills. This year they are recruiting software development interns who would gain experience in developing a full-stack application from scratch with the guidance and support of the Kartorium team.
Since its inception in 2019, the Students to Startups program has supported 22 companies and 40 interns from the UA system. These students have experienced life in the world of startups and made big contributions to those businesses’ everyday practices. Some students have worked directly with the startups in their facilities while others have been able to work remotely and provide direct benefits to the startups’ growth and development.

You can find more information on the program, examples of learning events, and a list of interns from the last four years, as well as those startups supported through S2S in the past, at the Center ICE website:
Questions? Reach out to us via email at with the subject line “S2S 2024” and cc Ashley Guernsey at This program is supported by a grant from the Office of Naval Research.
Let us know if you are interested in the program by filling out this Google form and we will contact you by email when the application cycle opens.