2004-2010 articles

None listed.

1. Ainsworth, C. L. "Frederica de Laguna: 1906-2004 - A Remarkable Career in Alaskan Anthropology." New Series Volume 4.

2. Gelvin-Reymiller, C. "The Use of Freshwater Mussels in Interior Alaska: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Linguistic Perspectives." New Series Volume 4.

3. Giardini, L. B., with S. Eggers. "Prehistoric Health and Disease at Point Hope." New Series Volume 4.

4. Laugrand, F., and J. Oosten. "Connecting and Protecting: Lines and Belts in the Canadian Arctic." New Series Volume 4.

5. McCullough, K. M., and P. Schledermann. "Thule Culture Kashims in the Eastern High Arctic." New Series Volume 4.

6. Mills, R. O., with S. C. Gerlach and P. M. Bowers. "Stability and Change in the Use of Place at the Kame Terrace Site, Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska." New Series Volume 4.

7. Nagy, M. "Seal Pups and Their Moms: A Preferred Paleoeskimo Hunting Strategy in Ivujivik (Nunavik, Eastern Arctic)." New Series Volume 4.

8. Thorson, R. M. "Artifact Mixing at the Dry Creek Site." New Series Volume 4.

None listed.

None listed.

None listed.

None listed.

1. Berezkin, Yuri E. "Selecting Separate Episodes of the Peopling of the New World: Beringian-Subarctic-Eastern North American Folklore Links." New Series Volume 5.

2. De Reuse, Willem J. "Dene-Yeniseian, Phonological Substrata and Substratic Place Names." New Series Volume 5.

3. Dumond, Don. "The Dene Arrival in Alaska." New Series Volume 5.

4. Fortescue, Michael. "Yeniseian: Siberian Intruder or Remnant?" New Series Volume 5.

5. Hamp, Eric P. "On the First Substantial Trans-Bering Language Comparison." New Series Volume 5.

6. Ives, John W. "Dene-Yeniseian, Migration and Prehistory." New Series Volume 5.

7. Ives, John W., with Sally Rice and Edward J. Vajda. "Dene-Yeniseian and Processes of Deep Change in Kin Terminologies." New Series Volume 5.

8. Kari, James. "The Concept of Geolinguistic Conservatism in Na-Dene Prehistory." New Series Volume 5.

9. Kibrik, Andrej A. "Transitivity Indicators, Historical Scenarios, and Sundry Dene-Yeniseian Notes." New Series Volume 5.

10. Kim-Maloney, Alexandra. "Comparison of a Pair of Ket and Dine (Navajo) Myth Motifs." New Series Volume 5.

11. Nichols, Johanna. "Proving Dene-Yeniseian Genealogical Relatedness." New Series Volume 5.

12. Potter, Ben A. "Archaeological Patterning in Northeast Asia and Northwest North America: An Examination of the Dene-Yeniseian Hypothesis." New Series Volume 5.

13. Leer, Jeff. "The Palatal Series in Athabascan-Eyak-Tlingit, with an Overview of the Basic Sound Correspondences." New Series Volume 5.

14. Scott, G. Richard, and Dennis O'Rourke. "Genes Across Beringia: A Physical Anthropological Perspective on the Dene-Yeniseian Hypothesis." New Series Volume 5.

15. Vajda, Edward J. "A Siberian Link with Na-Dene Languages." New Series Volume 5.

16. Vajda, Edward J. "Yeniseian, Na-Dene, and Historical Linguistics." New Series Volume 5.