About Us

Butrovich Building

Center ICE is located in Suite 105 at the University of Fairbanks Alaska campus in the Butrovich Building.

Our Team

Peter Webley

Peter Webley

Interim Director

Rise-Up/Arctic Lead

LinkedIn Profile
 Alexis Rhynard

Alexis Rhynard

Office Manager

Evelyn Jacome

Evelyn Jacome

Project Manager


LinkedIn Profile
Ashley Guernsey

Ashley Guernsey

Project and Program Manager

Rise-Up, S2S, CISF, I-Corps

LinkedIn Profile
Huckleberry Hopper

Huckleberry Hopper

Program Manager

Patents to Products

LinkedIn Profile
Gwen Holdmann

Gwen Holdmann

Associate Vice Chancellor Research

LinkedIn Profile
Megan Koch

Megan Koch

Project Manager

Build Back Better

Project Details
Eric Hartley

Eric Hartley

Marketing and Events Manager

Center ICE

LinkedIn Profile
Madara Mason

Madara Mason

Faculty Fellows Lead

LinkedIn Profile
Michael Martins

Michael Martins

Innovation Fellow, AFP

LinkedIn Profile


Center ICE is located in the Butrovich Building,  Suite 105, on the University of Fairbanks Alaska campus.


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