Rural Human Services

College of Rural and Community Development
Statewide Programs 907-474-5440
Chukchi Campus 907-442-3400
Interior-Aleutians Campus 907-474-5440
Kuskokwim Campus 907-543-4500
Northwest Campus 907-443-2201

Occupational Endorsement; Certificate

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Minimum Requirements for Occupational Endorsement: 16 Credits

The rural human services programs are designed to develop strong and healthy rural Alaska Native individuals, families and communities. They provide entry-level training for students preparing for careers as natural helpers/healers in village-based public, private and volunteer human service organizations. The curriculum draws extensively on resource people from the Native community and reflects a strong multicultural orientation that validates, incorporates and builds on Native values and principles.

The occupational endorsement is a concentrated course of study focused on rural behavioral health services which meets the training requirements for Behavioral Health Aide I credentials as developed by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. The endorsement can also serve as a "stepping stone" to the certificate. Both the Alaska Division of Behavioral Health and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium are currently developing and defining competencies and credentials for Alaska behavioral health care workers. The occupational endorsement program directly parallels the entry level competencies training required under these new systems.

Admission is open to anyone employed by a regional Native health corporation or local entity providing village-based human services, or to individuals recognized by their communities as natural helpers/healers. A high school diploma or GED and/or previous training or work experience in the delivery of village-based human services are recommended but not required.

This program is delivered collaboratively within the UA system.

Occupational Endorsement Program

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the occupational endorsement requirements.
  3. Complete the following:
    RHS F110--Cross Cultural Bridging--1 credit
    RHS F115--Issues of Personal Development--1 credit
    RHS F120--Family Systems I--2 credits
    RHS F130--Processes of Community Change--2 credits
    RHS F140--Alaska Native Values and Principles--1 credit
    RHS F150--Introduction to Rural Counseling--2 credits
    RHS F260--Addictions: Intervention and Treatment--2 credits
    RHS F275--Introduction to Mental Health Recovery--2 credits
    RHS F285--Case Management--2 credits
  4. Minimum credits required--16 credits

Note: See your advisor if you are not sure which catalog year to use.