2003-2004 UAF Catalog

Student Services

Student Services and Resources

Student Services, Dean's Office

The mission of Student Services is to support student success by promoting personal excellence, academic achievement and lifelong learning. The dean's office helps students solve problems and acts as a resource and referral center. If you don't know where else to go for help within UAF, contact the dean's office for assistance.

The Dean of Student Services serves as the senior student affairs officer at UAF. Departments that are part of Student Services include: judicial services, student support services, residence life, career services, office of multicultural affairs, health and counseling, Wood Center, student activities, student government, upward bound classic and upward bound math/science. For more information contact Dean of Student Services, 514 Gruening, e-mail fyssd@uaf.edu, telephone (907) 474-7317 or visit online at www.uaf.edu/ssd/.