Aurora fall 2020
Aurora fall 2020 issue

Feature stories
Professor recounts Walter Harper’s short life full of living
By Sam Bishop
While writing about the first man to stand atop Denali, Mary Ehrlander rekindled an old friendship.
Read more...Why not do it with some style?
By Jeff Richardson
Rob Prince went to the Lower 48 and back in search of his personal time machine — a DeLorean.
As gardening booms, UAF gives well-researched advice
By Debbie Carter
The Cooperative Extension Service responds to resurgent interest in local food production.
Alumni profiles

Sept. 16, 2020
Dear editor:
I'm attaching a photo taken recently at the corner of Tanana Drive and North Tanana Drive. It shows a sweet little mushroom pushing her head upward through set asphalt. I hope you can publish it because it is obviously a symbol of so many things all over our campus that are tenaciously moving forward despite overwhelming obstacles.
Warm and friendly regards.
John Gimbel, professor
Department of Math and Statistics