Murie Building showers

February 1, 2019

University Relations

The Murie showers are listed as being available for staff, faculty, and students. I can understand why the hours have been modified, though it does make it admittedly extremely inconvenient for staff members who work during the only times they are open. Staff members are also often required to work on weekends when the showers are closed. Frankly it’s becoming a pretty stinky situation. Additionally, I have noticed that there have been times when campus is open and the showers are still locked because it’s a time when students aren’t in session. As a staff member who can’t afford running water, I would like to know if this is going to be a continuing issue over the summer when normal classes aren’t in session? Many buildings have key card locks. Installing key card locks on the showers and extending the hours 7am to 7pm every day would be a simple solution to clean up this mess.