Explore health careers at free UAF summit

October 13, 2015

Meghan Murphy

Participants of AIMES practice taking blood pressure. Photo courtesy of UAF's College of Natural Science & Mathematics.
Participants of AIMES practice taking blood pressure. Photo courtesy of UAF's College of Natural Science & Mathematics.

Fairbanks residents can explore health careers at the fourth annual Alaska Interior Medical Education Summit at the University of Alaska Fairbanks on Oct. 24. UAF’s College of Natural Science and Mathematics will host the free summit from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Murie Building on the Fairbanks campus. Preregistration is required.

AIMES helps people explore health careers in allied health and holistic, pharmacy and veterinary medicine. In 2014, 200 people attended. Carolyn Chapin, the college’s undergraduate student advisor, said the summit succeeds because it serves not only college students looking at being doctors but also a much wider group of people in the community.

“It’s for high school and college students, as well as people looking for opportunities that span the full range of health options, from medical billing to medical researcher,” Chapin said. “There should be something for everyone at AIMES.”

Doctors, nurses, phlebotomists, UAF biomedical researchers, dental technicians, veterinarians and many other professionals will lead group discussions, panels and hands-on activities. The conference provides information about different education and funding options. Seminars will explore medical research, the future of medicine and the direction of health care careers.

Health organizations and vendors from across the United States will attend the summit, including:

  • Fairbanks Anesthesia and Medical & Surgery Center of Fairbanks
  • Alaska Center for Natural Medicine
  • UAF Department of Veterinary Medicine
  • UAF Biomedical Learning and Student Training program
  • UA Anchorage MedEx
  • University of Alaska Anchorage and Idaho State University pharmacy program
  • WWAMI, a collaborative medical school among universities in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho
  • Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
  • Professionals from UAF’s Community and Technical College and other departments will showcase the nursing and dental aide programs, the emergency medical services and paramedic academy and other allied health curricula.
  • Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center
  • Pacific North West University of Health Sciences
  • Palmer College of Chiropractic

The event is free to the public and vendors. Preregistration is required. To register online or see last year’s program topics, visit AIMES website.

ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Carolyn Chapin, 907-474-5548. Meghan Murphy, 907-474-7541 or mmmurphy3@alaska.edu.