1997-1998 Catalog


Faculty, Staff and Emeriti


Illingworth, Ronald D. -- 1980 -- Associate Professor of Developmental Studies (1996) and Coordinator, Nenana Center (1991), IAC/CRA. Iowa State University '64, B.S.; University of Nebraska-Omaha '80, M.A.; Appalachian State University '91, Ed.S. (Faculty and staff).

Irving, Laurence, Professor of Zoophysiology, Emeritus. Bowdoin College '16, A.B.; '59, D.Sc. (Hon.); Harvard University '17, A.M.; Stanford University '24, Ph.D.; University of Oslo '56, M.D. (Hon.); University of Alaska '68, D.Sc. (Hon.) (1962 -- Irving -- Laurence, Professor of Zoophysiology, Emeritus. Bowdoin College '16, A.B.; '59, D.Sc. (Hon.); Harvard University '17, A.M.; Stanford University '24, Ph.D.; University of Oslo '56, M.D. (Hon.); University of Alaska '68, D.Sc. (Hon.) (1962 (Emeriti).