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1996-97 UAF Catalog

Course Descriptions

Degrees and Programs Index

Linguistics Courses

LING 101 (3 Credits) Fall, Spring
Nature of Language (3+0) h

The study of language: systematic analysis of human language and description of its grammatical structure, distribution, and diversity. Also available via Independent Learning.

LING 216 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Languages of the World (3+0) h

A comprehensive survey of the world's languages | past and present. Topics include genetic relationships among languages, linguistic change, language universals, language classification, and language families, as well as the interaction of culture and language. (Next offered: 1997-98.)

LING 262 (3 Credits) As Demand Warrants
Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language and Standard English as a Second Dialect (3+0)
(Same as ED 262)

Covers basic underlying assumptions about the nature of language, language learning, language teaching, characteristics of good language learners, optimal language learning environments, and what affect they have on teaching styles. Roles of the second language teacher and their appropriateness covered. Presents techniques and activities consistent with specific language teaching methods and adaptation of these methods to the needs of western Alaskan classrooms. (Prerequisite: Classroom experience.)

LING 303 (3 Credits) Spring
Language Acquisition (3+0)
(Same as ED 303)

Theories of the acquisition and development of first and second languages, including consideration of biological and sociocultural factors. Survey of traditional and contemporary models, and implications for pedagogy and public policy. (Prerequisite: LING 101.)

LING 308 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Language and Gender (3+0) s
(Same as ANTH 308 and WMS 308)

Examination of relationships between language and gender, drawing on both ethnographic and linguistic sources. Topics include power, socialization and sexism. Materials fee: $5.00.

LING 318 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (3+0) h

Scientific study of human speech sounds, mechanism of their production, and sound systems of languages. (Prerequisite: Upper division standing or permission of instructor. Next offered: 1997-98.)

LING 320 (3 Credits) Alternate Spring
Introduction to Syntactic Theory (3+0) h

Study of principles and processes of sentence construction in language. (Prerequisites: LING 101 or its equivalent, at least junior standing or permission of the instructor. Next offered: 1997-98.)

LING 340 (3 Credits) Every Third Spring
Aspects of Bilingualism (3+0) h

Cognitive, linguistic, sociopolitical, and educational aspects of bilingualism at both the individual and societal levels, including factors contributing to language maintenance and language shift. (Prerequisite: LING 101 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 1996-97.)

LING 410 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Theory and Methods of Second Language Teaching (3+0)
(Same as LING 610)

Theory and practice of teaching a second language, including methodological approaches, second language acquisition theory, materials, and testing. (Next offered: 1996-97.)

LING 420 (3 Credits) Every Third Spring
Semantics (3+0) h

A systematic exploration of the nature of meaning in human language. Focus is on historical and contemporary approaches to understanding problems of reference, categorization, and lexical relationships in meaningful contexts. (Prerequisite: LING 101 or permission of instructor. Next offered: 1997-98.)

LING 430 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Historical Linguistics (3+0) h
(Same as LING 630)

Introduction to comparative and historical linguistics: methods of linguistic reconstruction, historical change, genetic relationships, dialectology. Includes Indo-European and Alaskan languages. (Prerequisite: LING 318. Next offered: 1996-97.)

LING 450O (3 Credits) Every Third Spring
Language Policy and Planning (3+0) s

Consideration of minority languages, including Alaskan Native Languages, in light of their histories, current status, and factors affecting future maintenance. Materials fee: $15.00. (Next offered: 1996-97.)

LING 482 (3 Credits) Every Third Year
Seminar in Linguistics (3+0)

Current issues in various subfields of linguistics including semantics and pragmatics, discourse analysis, bilingualism, lexicography, language philosophy, and issues within a particular language or language group, e.g. Eskimo phonology, Athabaskan morphology. May be repeated once. (Next offered: 1996-97.)

LING 610 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Theory and Methods of Second Language Teaching (3+0)
(Same as LING 410)

Theory and practice of teaching a second language, including methodological approaches, second language acquisition theory, materials, and testing. (Next offered: 1996-97.)

LING 630 (3 Credits) Alternate Fall
Historical Linguistics (3+0) (Same as LING 430)

Introduction to comparative and historical linguistics: methods of linguistic reconstruction, historical change, genetic relationships, dialectology. Includes Indo-European and Alaskan languages. (Prerequisite: LING 318. Next offered: 1996-97.)