Mineral Preparation Engineering

College of Engineering and Mines
Department of Mining and Geological Engineering

M.S. Degree

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Minimum Requirements for Degree: 30 - 36 credits

The mineral preparation engineering program offers specialization in the processes used to concentrate target minerals and remove undesirable material from mined ore. Interdisciplinary study of chemistry, physics, the geological sciences and engineering are integrated to allow the characterization, separation, agglomeration, extraction and handling of mineral particles.

Since large quantities of solid waste and process water are often produced as a result of mineral extraction, pollution control technology is also an important aspect of mineral preparation.

Students are prepared for career opportunities in the mineral industry, consulting and research firms, environmental industry, and investment and commodity firms in the private sector.

Graduate Program -- M.S. Degree

  1. Complete the general university requirements.
  2. Complete the master's degree requirements.
  3. Complete the following:
    MIN F415--Coal Preparation--3 credits
    MPR F601--Froth Flotation--3 credits
    MPR F606--Plant Design--3 credits
    MPR F688--Graduate Seminar I--1 credit
  4. Complete the thesis or non-thesis requirements:
    1. Complete the following:
      MPR F699--Thesis--6 credits
      Technical electives--14 credits
    2. Minimum credits required--30 credits

    1. Complete the following:
      MPR F698--Research/Project--6 credits
      Technical elective--20 credits
    2. Minimum credits required--36 credits